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The World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the international classification of diseases in 1990.

31 years later, attempts to ‘cure’ us are still happening – and still legal.


Conversion therapy includes medical, psychiatric, psychological, religious, cultural or any other interventions that seek to erase, repress or change the sexual orientation and/or gender identity of a person.

It’s time for conversion therapy to be eradicated. We are united in our calls for a full, legislative ban which makes conversion therapy illegal:

  • Wherever it occurs – in public or private, through healthcare or religious and cultural interventions.

  • Whoever is targeted – whether a child or an adult, whether they are coerced or have consented.

  • From the moment it’s spotted – through advertising on and offline.

We know that conversion therapy is impacting the lives of many LGBTQ+ people today. Research shows that 7 per cent of LGBT+ people have been offered or undergone conversion therapy, with trans respondents almost twice as likely to have undergone or been offered conversion therapy (13 per cent). Figures also found asexual people to be at a higher risk of being offered or undergoing conversion therapy (10 per cent).


We are calling for the UK Government to lead the way for LGBTQIA+ communities and make history with a full legislative ban on conversion therapy. We are united in our calls for a full legislative ban:

  • Incorporating any intervention intended to change, suppress, convert or cancel sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression, whether in public and private spheres, healthcare, religious and cultural/traditional interventions settings.

  • Protecting those who are threatened with being sent overseas to undergo interventions.

  • The ban would need to clearly distinguish from safe and supportive therapies, delivered by suitable qualified and regulated professionals, that assist people to explore and better understand their sexuality, gender identity and/or gender expression.


Conversion therapy has lifelong impacts on those who survive. Many don’t. Victim and survivor support, whether through support charities, faith groups or mental health practitioners, is sorely needed but there is no dedicated funding to help overcome our trauma and rebuild our lives. We are also calling for support for victims and survivors, including:

  • Statutory provision of publicly funded specialist support services for current victims and survivors of historical cases.

  • Outreach to current victims of conversion therapy and those most at risk of the practices.

  • A UK government led engagement programme to bring together religious leaders with expert mental health professionals.

  • Regulatory standards for practitioners.

  • Specialist safeguarding and awareness training.